Douglas Brace
Community Coach
Technology Supervisor (LMS Administrator, Online Learning)
May 18, 2018 7:34:34 AM
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I work at Lehigh Carbon Community College (Lehigh Valley/Allentown area of Pennsylvania) in the Department of Online Learning. I have been in this role since May 2013. My institution has been using Canvas full-time since the beginning of our Summer 2019 semester. As of October 2024, I am an Instructure Community Coach.
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Reading @leward's and @audra_agnelly's posts (thank you, Thank You, THANK YOU for sharing it and sorry for what you and everyone else has been going through) makes me glad that my inst...
Thank you for listening to our feedback. I will say, one of my colleagues had already updated our institution's trainings and documentation because of self-paced opportunities that became availabl...
@SamGarza1, what does Instructure/Canvas consider to be Q2 2024? Is it the months of April 2024, May 2024, and June 2024? If that is correct, are you saying that checkpoints will be available in D...
My institution has been considering purchasing Cidi Labs DesignPLUS. For a variety of reasons, we have been holding off because we are also aware of this new feature and curious how it compares to Des...
Would it be possible for a representative at Instructure and a representative at Lucid to host a Q&A webinar so that we able to ask questions in real-time?
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Thank you for this write-up, @JuditTarnoy.
Are the resources at the linked located below going to be updated? Some of them are from 2021 and/or 2023.
Thank you for that reminder, @chriscas. I forgot that admins could create gradebook statuses at the account level.
Hi @MichaelHarnett,
While the description in the product blog post is short, you might want to consider checking out Help Us Explore New Group Options - Instructure Community - 612574 .
I have no...
Hi @koonc,
I know that this will not answer your question but you should submit this as an idea in the Community so that others can vote on it.
What is the feature development process for Instru.....
Hello @JRyanPalmer,
I can confirm (after speaking with Canvas Support on the phone) that it is not possible for students to view (private) comments that teachers have left on discussions when usin...
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