
Community Participant
Unicheck Community Manager
Jan 16, 2019 9:51:02 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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Dear @Regina Spahr,You don’t have to submit an assignment anywhere separately for it to be checked by Unicheck. If your instructor has chosen Unicheck as the plagiarism checking tool for an assign...
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Hi mmarchyok,To integrate a plagiarism checker, your school has to buy a license for all the instructors and students to use it free of charge. Native integrations are more popular among academic inst...
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Dear @Keith Shaffer, There are various plagiarism checking software integrated into Canvas as third-party tools. All of them are free if your school or university is licensed to use them. One of s...
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Dear @Shannon Giedieviells, thank you for your question. Let me recommend you a plagiarism checking tool named Unicheck. Unicheck provides a quick and seamless native integration with Canvas and o...
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Hi @Mary, Could you please clarify what plagiarism checking tool your school is licensed to use?Unicheck is one of the software used by higher educational institutions all over the world. It is ea...
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Most Recent Posts

Hi mmarchyok,To integrate a plagiarism checker, your school has to buy a license for all the instructors and students to use it free of charge. Native integrations are more popular among academic inst...
Aug 27, 2020 10:12 AM
Hello Giselle,It looks like that could be a glitch. I hope that you managed to solve this issue.Never hesitate to get in touch with your instructor or IT administrator. They should be aware of such pr...
Aug 27, 2020 09:47 AM
Dear Mary thank you for your question. Please don’t worry. Everything should be fine with your account. Most likely your instructor didn’t allow you and other students to review the report immediately...
Aug 07, 2020 16:58 PM
Dear Mary, thank you for your question. This means that your Unicheck administrator didn't allow you to see some details. The administrator is responsible for privacy settings adjustment for teach...
Aug 07, 2020 16:53 PM
Hi @abdel ennaceur, Unfortunately, I didn’t find the information on the plagiarism tool you used. Still, if you are using Unicheck, you may check the detailed guidelines on how to submit the file ...
Jul 24, 2020 18:51 PM

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