
Community Contributor
May 23, 2018 9:46:17 AM
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Cinderella story in Hemet CA, seeking a career transformation--after the great "economic unpleasantness" of 2008. Starting my journey along a different path--that of Mt. San Jacinto College (MSJC), that summer--was an experience that has changed my life-trajectory! Determination, Grit, Patience, and most importantly: Grace came to fruition as I graduated there, with an Associates in Computer Information Systems. Next, I attained a Baccalaureate in Information Technology from Bellevue University. The latest accomplishment that I'm grateful for, is the successful completion and defense of my Master's Thesis and graduation during our current COVID19 era! Within the context of employment, under the Federal Work Study Program offered at the MSJC, I started as a student-worker in our College Bookstore. Next, I was recruited to work as their Switchboard Operator. Since then I have enjoyed the quick pace of employment is several roles: from Information Technology and Student Life & Development Programs, to Academic Technology Services and my current role with the Distance Education & Learning Technology Advancement (DELTA) Team. I've also had the opportunity to be involved within MSJCs Participatory Governance structure as Senate Vice-President, and then President for our Classified Professionals. WAIT! BUT THAT'S NOT ALL! Add to this the recent opportunity and privilege, of serving our diverse group of Canvas Partners, within the highly-coveted Advocate Program --pinch me, I'm dreaming--is this real life?)! Mentioning this journey is is not so much to impress you, as it is to impress upon you the opportunity that education may provide, and the pathway--as challenging as it may be--to ever inclining experiences of success--as well as further opportunities to serve others! That's why we're all here right? OK! Let's get to it! As we use one hand to climb: let's use the other, FOR others along the way!

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Greetings Fellow Canvasphiles! I'm eager to reach out to our fine Canvas Community, and start a conversation about creating a policy, and process for LTI implementation at their institution.   Do ...
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Greetings All ( @kmeeusen    @ProfessorBeyrer   @Bobby2   @Chris_Hofer   @dnimri  AND ESPECIALLY  @caccornero  )  Seeing posts like this, from the Seasoned Vet's of our Can...
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Greetings @Stef_retired! Would you happen to have the engineering case # for this issue (pretty please)?   Thank you, Stephanie and have a WONDERFUL Day! With Warmest Regard, Timothy S. Lampley
Sep 02, 2021 17:09 PM
Greetings  @ajerde01  It is nice to meet you! I'm at the cusp of my Master's degree, and have been detained by other engagements (i.e. I apologize for my lack of participation).  I'd b...
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Ah! ishar-uw to the rescue!Thank you!
Dec 10, 2019 18:16 PM
Greetings to you  @jennifer_holt !And welcome to the Canvas Community!This is a great question!You may have already viewed the Canvas Support Guide, but in case you haven't: users must be in t...
Dec 10, 2019 18:15 PM
Greetings  @llortsher  This document makes a SUPER Signpost!Thanks for pointing us in the right direction!Until next time, have a SUPER Day!
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