
Ellen B Cutler
Community Contributor
Sep 2, 2017 12:21:02 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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It may not be quite the same thing, but I teach art history and collect reading assignments (links and pdfs), videos, jpgs and other miscellany on padlet walls and provide links on each module for the...
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I agree about the monotony. Somewhere between 2016 and 2017 the way modules were to be put together changed and I don't like it at all. And it seems much more labor intensive which I like even les...
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We are still having to use this workaround. Is there a reason this matching question has not yet been fixed to allow images? I know we art historians would find it enormously helpful to be able to use...
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I poked around the area where this idea was pitched in 2015—and I see that there are people from countless different specialties who need this capability. I don’t see that there is any progress on it....
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I do appreciate your response. I, like many of my colleagues where I teach, are suffering from the abrupt shift from Moodle to Canvas. I lived through Blackboard before Moodle. Granted Blackboard was ...
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Sorry Kristina, the link didn’t come through on your response but it did when other people like and commented. E.
Dec 20, 2018 10:53:53 AM
Sky, I appreciate all help. Clearly I will have to walk through the survey thing because verbally it makes not sense at all. And then there is the thing that every student has to go to the “survey” on...
Dec 20, 2018 10:10:46 AM
I am really sorry, Kristina, but a recording? I don’t see it? Is there an attachment? I was really not kidding about computer stupid. E.
Dec 20, 2018 10:06:28 AM
No, Kristina, I hadn’t. Largely because I have no idea what you mean by using Google forms as an embedded survey to collect the data. ☹ Truly computer stupid her and barely able to manage Canvas for t...
Dec 20, 2018 8:35:16 AM
Most of this is way out of my league, but I will go with a comment on Google docs in Collaborations.I created a semester-long assignment where each week students had to create one (1) Jeopardy-style q...
Dec 20, 2018 6:53:32 AM

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