
Community Member
May 29, 2018 12:14:59 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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In the new RCE we no longer have the option of pressing ctrl+k which allowed us to choose between the link opening on the same tab or in a new window/tab - it seems the default is now new window/t...
Likes: 6
Although everything seemed to be working fine on Friday, I have come into work on Monday morning and discovered that IE11 is no longer supported by Canvas! And students and staff are unable to log in ...
Likes: 4
Ok after further testing it seems the issue is - if you select all of the text to replace and you accidentally release the mouse button slightly off the pop up box - the box closes - this is very easy...
Likes: 3
Just testing out the new content editor - it seems it is no longer possible to use an image as a link??? You are required to enter text before you can save any changes and this simply overwrites the i...
Likes: 3
I thought I would share the following CSS/JS files in case there is anyone else who wants to be able to do this. Here are some screenshots of how it will look:And here is the code that makes it possib...
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Brilliant Tool - will save so much time
Jun 11, 2020 06:36 AM
Lol, don’t hold your breath! I have been arguing this for about two years – At first they said it was on purpose for accessibility reasons – that VI users liked the name of the page in the URL! But ha...
Feb 10, 2020 02:27 AM
Yes this makes adding a series of links on a content to a series of items very slow and time consuming especially if the items are quite a way down the list. Surely the Add list should stay open until...
Feb 07, 2020 02:34 AM
Anther very annoying feature of the new RCE is that when you insert a link to something from the right hand pop up list - it disappears once you insert something which means that you have to open the ...
Feb 07, 2020 02:25 AM
Hi Stephen, unfortunately not – that option isn’t available under options ☹
Feb 07, 2020 02:21 AM

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