
Mike Nahmias
Community Novice
May 29, 2018 6:15:14 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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If you're using Python I would suggest using the wrapper UCF created whenever you can:GitHub - ucfopen/canvasapi: Python API wrapper for Instructure's Canvas LMS 
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I was able to read the report CSVs without saving them to a file. Here's what I did:import csvimport ioimport requests# Assuming you already got the download link from somewhere elsedownload_link ...
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To avoid completed courses from having content changed, I dissociate the completed courses from their blueprints using the API and Python.
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Here's a script I just wrote to publish all courses in a specific account. Hopefully someone will find this helpful.import requestsdef chunks(source_list, chunk_size):    """    Method...
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Right now I am doing something pretty similar to what Niko described. Once my CSV import completes, I pull a list of all active courses and then pull the content migration list for each course. If the...
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Sorry to hear you'll be using CampusNexus. I am stuck with it at my school and haven't been impressed. I may be able to help you out. I wrote our school's integration between CampusNexus S...
Jun 12, 2019 7:37:53 AM
To avoid completed courses from having content changed, I dissociate the completed courses from their blueprints using the API and Python.
Dec 3, 2018 6:16:53 AM
If you're using Python I would suggest using the wrapper UCF created whenever you can:GitHub - ucfopen/canvasapi: Python API wrapper for Instructure's Canvas LMS 
Oct 22, 2018 6:23:58 AM
I was able to read the report CSVs without saving them to a file. Here's what I did:import csvimport ioimport requests# Assuming you already got the download link from somewhere elsedownload_link ...
Oct 22, 2018 6:21:12 AM
Right now I am doing something pretty similar to what Niko described. Once my CSV import completes, I pull a list of all active courses and then pull the content migration list for each course. If the...
Aug 3, 2018 11:57:51 AM

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