
Jud Davis
Community Novice
Sep 25, 2018 11:23:33 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

Most Liked Posts

If you hear us, quit giving substandard solutions and make a fix. Like the man said...its been three years.Jud Davis via iPhoneAssistant Professor of ArtCollege of Arts and SciencesFreed-Hardeman Univ...
Likes: 0
Honestly that is far to complicated. You should be able to click the embed icon and select images from wherever, but most importantly your desktop. Having to create your own file folder with images or...
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Disclaimer: I was trying to upload through the canvas app. It may work on a phone, but the canvas app does not work.
Likes: 0
Mobile doesn't not appear to be working (although it was said to be ready in 2015). Just tried to upload and it said I reached my storage limit...I've never posted. This has got to be fixed ya...
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This has to happen...its been three years since the original post...what is the hold up?
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Most Recent Posts

If you hear us, quit giving substandard solutions and make a fix. Like the man said...its been three years.Jud Davis via iPhoneAssistant Professor of ArtCollege of Arts and SciencesFreed-Hardeman Univ...
Oct 06, 2018 23:13 PM
Honestly that is far to complicated. You should be able to click the embed icon and select images from wherever, but most importantly your desktop. Having to create your own file folder with images or...
Sep 27, 2018 10:48 AM
Disclaimer: I was trying to upload through the canvas app. It may work on a phone, but the canvas app does not work.
Sep 25, 2018 13:00 PM
Mobile doesn't not appear to be working (although it was said to be ready in 2015). Just tried to upload and it said I reached my storage limit...I've never posted. This has got to be fixed ya...
Sep 25, 2018 12:26 PM
This has to happen...its been three years since the original post...what is the hold up?
Sep 25, 2018 12:25 PM

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