
Community Member
Oct 23, 2017 11:05:23 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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These are actually Zoom meetings that were copied here when "Import all content" is chosen during import.   To delete them, click on any one of them, then click on "Undated" at the low...
Likes: 1
Maybe this will work.  Create a single "essay" type question in a Question Group by itself, setting "Pick" to 1.Then structure your question like this:------Choose two of the three and...
Likes: 0
Thanks, Nick, but these are not assignments, so they are not listed under Assignments.  They are apparently residues from previous courses.  Surely there's a way to remove these?  Thanks again.
Likes: 0
In my "Syllabus" tab, the "Course Summary" lists due dates for the current class.  That's fine. But at the bottom it also presents a list of obsolete items -- mostly empty calendar...
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Hi Rogrant!  This link is apparently not valid anymore..... Thanks!
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These are actually Zoom meetings that were copied here when "Import all content" is chosen during import.   To delete them, click on any one of them, then click on "Undated" at the low...
Jan 03, 2022 13:28 PM
Thanks, Nick, but these are not assignments, so they are not listed under Assignments.  They are apparently residues from previous courses.  Surely there's a way to remove these?  Thanks again.
Jan 03, 2022 12:58 PM
In my "Syllabus" tab, the "Course Summary" lists due dates for the current class.  That's fine. But at the bottom it also presents a list of obsolete items -- mostly empty calendar...
Jan 03, 2022 09:55 AM
Hi Rogrant!  This link is apparently not valid anymore..... Thanks!
Oct 18, 2020 10:18 AM
Maybe this will work.  Create a single "essay" type question in a Question Group by itself, setting "Pick" to 1.Then structure your question like this:------Choose two of the three and...
Mar 23, 2020 15:15 PM

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