
Matt Pacenza
Community Novice
Nov 29, 2018 11:22:20 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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I like it just fine when I'm using it to grade assignments, as when I'm looking at a longer essay response. But when I'm grading quizzes, with 5-8 short answer questions (a common assessme...
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Allow me to echo what many teachers above have said. SpeedGrader for quizzes in Canvas is maddening and ineffective and rather than saving time (as Canvas allegedly is designed to do) it definitely ad...
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The failure to make word count possible for teachers is YET ANOTHER example of how little Instructure cares about teachers. This fix was suggested how long ago? Over four and a half years? But, of cou...
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The failure to make word count possible for teachers is YET ANOTHER example of how little Instructure cares about teachers. This fix was suggested how long ago? Over four and a half years? But, of cou...
Sep 12, 2019 15:39 PM
I like it just fine when I'm using it to grade assignments, as when I'm looking at a longer essay response. But when I'm grading quizzes, with 5-8 short answer questions (a common assessme...
Nov 29, 2018 13:16 PM
Allow me to echo what many teachers above have said. SpeedGrader for quizzes in Canvas is maddening and ineffective and rather than saving time (as Canvas allegedly is designed to do) it definitely ad...
Nov 29, 2018 12:51 PM

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