
John Lien
Community Explorer
Director Instructional Materials and Systems
Mar 8, 2018 10:53:17 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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#Outcomes #BetterRubrics In the Speedgrader, create an option to toggle rubrics from a vertical view to a horizontal view so that longer rubrics are visible without scrolling.Most teachers didn’t like...
Likes: 38
Thank you! I look forward to more user enrollment data....
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stefaniesanders I took  @nicole_blackmon 's explanation and I incorporated in the description. We have a large community of teachers that really want to integrate the International Baccalaurea...
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Yes, your idea is the ultimate goal, but this release gives us an option to have a stop gap to stop announcements based on old enrollments. For example we have all terms from 16-17 & 17-18 and our...
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Good news! In the recent release notes...Global AnnouncementsManually Concluded and Inactive EnrollmentsGlobal announcements are not displayed to users with manually concluded and inactive enrollments...
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Most Recent Posts

Thank you! I look forward to more user enrollment data....
Nov 16, 2021 11:07 AM
Yes, your idea is the ultimate goal, but this release gives us an option to have a stop gap to stop announcements based on old enrollments. For example we have all terms from 16-17 & 17-18 and our...
Apr 12, 2019 08:36 AM
Good news! In the recent release notes...Global AnnouncementsManually Concluded and Inactive EnrollmentsGlobal announcements are not displayed to users with manually concluded and inactive enrollments...
Apr 11, 2019 14:16 PM
cms_hickss‌ I was telling someone that this morning!!! love that idea! I would really work for us! I would limit the active users that receive the global announcement. K-12‌
Mar 07, 2019 13:06 PM
Bradley,Thank for adding this idea!! Here in Orange County Florida we need it as well!! 
Mar 05, 2019 12:36 PM

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