Deborah Oakley
Community Explorer
Associate Professor
Aug 13, 2018 3:41:31 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member
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Dear Canvas Hivemind,
I teach a university level lecture class using Canvas, and created the course from my previous year's content. I had created a quiz question bank last year with the intent of...
This is very disappointing to learn. I just gave a quiz (New Quizzes) in which students had to photograph a handwritten solution. It seems that they were able to upload the image, but in the Speed Gra...
I'm brand new to Canvas from Blackboard as well. It is SO very helpful to be able to access files via WebDAV or FTP and wish that Canvas had that feature as well. I find the files interface on Can...
Can someone enlighten me as to the purpose of the "Question Title" in a typical question (of any type — essay, multiple choice, etc.) in New Quizzes? Nothing comes up in searching this site. W...
I agree 100%. Looking to find just that is what led me here on a web search.]I have the same issue with the "Speed Grader." If you're looking at the overall grades, there's no direct l...
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I came here with the exact same question. Created a multiple answer with 3 correct concepts and three distractors. Did a trial and made one as a wrong answer expecting to be scored "2". To my ...
Perhaps someone from Canvas can explain this? I can't find anything on this.
Why should a test bank from a previous year have any connection to student answers? It makes no sense to have to '...
Having to hit "edit a copy" every time is rather annoying if it doesn't mean anything for a new class. It's like the question is tied to a particular class answer, even when it's b...
Dear Canvas Hivemind,
I teach a university level lecture class using Canvas, and created the course from my previous year's content. I had created a quiz question bank last year with the intent of...
On the moderation tab for new quizzes, there is every option to filter "No Attempts Left," "Attempts in Progress," "Submitted," and "Auto Grading Failed." But there'...
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