Levi Magnus
Community Novice
Jun 11, 2018 11:00:39 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member
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Unfortunately, there is not a Question Bank API. There is a feature idea https://community.canvaslms.com/ideas/11546-add-question-bank-key-to-the-quiz-questions-api?sr=search&searchId=84ed...
Hi Teri,I had a read through the SIS Imports API Documentation and it appears as though in addition to the override_sis_stickiness parameter, which tells the SIS import to ignore the "stickiness...
Hi giddyg,You can export courses through the Canvas LMS REST API. Using the Content Exports API, you can export a course using the following endpoint: POST /api/v1/courses/:course_id/content_exports ...
I just tested this and if you have the Submission Comment notification preference set to "notify me right away" you do see the submission comment in the email notification. You'll also be ...
@fisher1 ,Matthew has created another discussion that includes details on downloading the latest release of this program and a link to a video tutorial: NARC: Cheat Detection System.
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Hi Peg,If you are trying to make a resource available on the Commons to everyone at your institution, you should have the option to select All of "Your Institution's Name" under the Sharin...
@fisher1 ,Matthew has created another discussion that includes details on downloading the latest release of this program and a link to a video tutorial: NARC: Cheat Detection System.
I just tested this and if you have the Submission Comment notification preference set to "notify me right away" you do see the submission comment in the email notification. You'll also be ...
@stelpstra created a useful macro-enabled Excel workbook that uses the API to pull all the group information from a course into one area for easier viewing. You could then search for the studen...
Unfortunately, there is not a Question Bank API. There is a feature idea https://community.canvaslms.com/ideas/11546-add-question-bank-key-to-the-quiz-questions-api?sr=search&searchId=84ed...
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