
Jen Martin
Community Novice
Jul 14, 2020 6:42:12 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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I think consistency will work the best with my 2nd graders. I set up a template for Math with how each lesson will flow for the week.  Is there a way to copy that template and then just change the con...
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Is there a way to "return" an assignment that a student didn't complete fully and have them fix it and then submit it again?  If so will they get notified that it has been returned and see...
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I think consistency will work the best with my 2nd graders. I set up a template for Math with how each lesson will flow for the week.  Is there a way to copy that template and then just change the con...
Jul 17, 2020 09:11 AM
Is there a way to "return" an assignment that a student didn't complete fully and have them fix it and then submit it again?  If so will they get notified that it has been returned and see...
Jul 14, 2020 07:48 AM

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