Stephanie Muir
Community Explorer
Oct 8, 2018 6:53:11 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member
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I absolutely agree, the new format is AWFUL! There was absolutely nothing wrong with the previous format.The default should be Expanded Threads and not collapsed. You did away with sorting by "unr...
This is a ridiculous amount of steps to fix something that should work seamlessly. Are these steps only for the instructor to do, or do all students in the class also need to do this? I can see things...
Yes, I have been using that. But my students have enough trouble with the basic menu that expecting them to learn and use LaTex is completely unrealistic. I'm frustrated that Canvas has not suppli...
I think it is ridiculous that the original date of this request was three years ago and the basic math equation editor is still missing some very basic and commonly-used math symbols. Why is Canvas no...
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I absolutely agree, the new format is AWFUL! There was absolutely nothing wrong with the previous format.The default should be Expanded Threads and not collapsed. You did away with sorting by "unr...
This is a ridiculous amount of steps to fix something that should work seamlessly. Are these steps only for the instructor to do, or do all students in the class also need to do this? I can see things...
Yes, I have been using that. But my students have enough trouble with the basic menu that expecting them to learn and use LaTex is completely unrealistic. I'm frustrated that Canvas has not suppli...
I think it is ridiculous that the original date of this request was three years ago and the basic math equation editor is still missing some very basic and commonly-used math symbols. Why is Canvas no...
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