
Community Participant
Sep 3, 2018 1:56:35 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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In the page https://openstax.org/details/books/calculus-volume-3?Instructor%20resources there is a section Canvas Course CartridgeThis course cartridge, created by the California Community Colleges...
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After logging into regular Canvas server it works like a charm.I think your help may help others.Sandor
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What happened to this? It became absolutely unusable. Previously when I typed the latex I saw it and could check the correctness of it, and to modify if it was necessary.
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The possible solution of the problem is correctly setting the value of Mastery in Question Banks-> Quiz-> Aligned Outcomes.
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Thanks. In my original question I had made an update where I described the possible solution.At least, after making that it works well.
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@ezaurova  Yes, it works well. I like this community, because if there is a problem they solve it (or at least try to find some solution). ❤️
Apr 19, 2022 06:40 AM
Yes, I have the same practice. If there is no better method then I use this little bit strange behavior.
Apr 05, 2022 13:14 PM
After turning on the button 'Directly Edit Latex', I type  \alpha  in the textbox,  and \(\alpha\) appears below the button. Nothing else. Not  the greek alpha. I tried in Chrome, Firefox, Edg...
Apr 04, 2022 12:55 PM
What happened to this? It became absolutely unusable. Previously when I typed the latex I saw it and could check the correctness of it, and to modify if it was necessary.
Apr 02, 2022 14:12 PM
The possible solution of the problem is correctly setting the value of Mastery in Question Banks-> Quiz-> Aligned Outcomes.
Dec 05, 2021 00:06 AM

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