
Amy Tracy Wells
Community Explorer
Sep 14, 2017 8:22:32 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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A kludge, but extra points for creativity, Susan! Ty.
Likes: 2
Need simple guide to question types in New Quizes CategorizationEssayFile UploadFill in the BlankFormulaHot SpotMatchingMultiple AnswerMultiple ChoiceNumericOrderingTrue or False
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It would be useful to be able to pull up a side by side list (compare) of say 2 student responses on quizzes rather than to have to flip between individual student quizzes to determine the extent (or ...
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Just checked in to the Question Bank option. However, as existing quiz questions cannot be imported (old quiz), I'd have to create each question then add my notes. It is easier to (and as you sugg...
Likes: 0
I'd like to attach a private note with each question on my quizzes that only I can view.I update the content on my syllabus at least once per year and have associated content questions on my quizz...
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Most Recent Posts

Just checked in to the Question Bank option. However, as existing quiz questions cannot be imported (old quiz), I'd have to create each question then add my notes. It is easier to (and as you sugg...
Dec 20, 2022 08:25 AM
It would be useful to be able to pull up a side by side list (compare) of say 2 student responses on quizzes rather than to have to flip between individual student quizzes to determine the extent (or ...
Dec 20, 2022 08:13 AM
A kludge, but extra points for creativity, Susan! Ty.
Dec 09, 2022 14:09 PM
I'd like to attach a private note with each question on my quizzes that only I can view.I update the content on my syllabus at least once per year and have associated content questions on my quizz...
Dec 09, 2022 10:52 AM
Yes, I am looking for a graphic/table that summarizes the types of quiz questions so that as an instructor, I can understand the universe of question types available for the new quizzes.
Mar 16, 2022 08:34 AM

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