
Community Novice
Dec 18, 2018 12:41:56 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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Is Canvas a joke? It has 13445 functions that clever programmers coded but which hardly anybody will ever use.Yet it lacks basic functions like creating course participant and group lists in a simple ...
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Ken,I’ll look into this but I feel that these suggestions are very helpful.At my university, basically we got instructions (due to Covid-19) on a Thursday that no ordinary written exams would take pla...
Likes: 0
Hi!Some colleagues and I have experienced the following issue:We wanted to create a test with a file that the students only should have access to from a specific date & time.This is easy enough, B...
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I have the same problem. My students sign up for various labs, and the lab instructors need lists to register attendance. To my opinion, being able to generate participant lists en group lists is rath...
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Most Recent Posts

Ken,I’ll look into this but I feel that these suggestions are very helpful.At my university, basically we got instructions (due to Covid-19) on a Thursday that no ordinary written exams would take pla...
Apr 06, 2020 10:34 AM
Hi!Some colleagues and I have experienced the following issue:We wanted to create a test with a file that the students only should have access to from a specific date & time.This is easy enough, B...
Apr 03, 2020 01:46 AM
Is Canvas a joke? It has 13445 functions that clever programmers coded but which hardly anybody will ever use.Yet it lacks basic functions like creating course participant and group lists in a simple ...
Jan 29, 2019 13:45 PM
I have the same problem. My students sign up for various labs, and the lab instructors need lists to register attendance. To my opinion, being able to generate participant lists en group lists is rath...
Jan 16, 2019 05:16 AM

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