
Community Explorer
Dec 18, 2018 7:50:47 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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I uploaded a YouTube video into Arc and I am not able to add closed captioning.  Will it be possible to add CC to YouTube videos uploaded into Arc?
Likes: 7
Thank you for your feedback.  We may end up using this "roundabout" for some instances.
Likes: 1
Hi Allison!  How were you able to include links in your Google Slide to other course pages?
Likes: 0
This would be extremely helpful to our instructors!  We notice it happening frequently.
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Most Recent Posts

Hi Allison!  How were you able to include links in your Google Slide to other course pages?
Oct 8, 2021 6:51:46 AM
This would be extremely helpful to our instructors!  We notice it happening frequently.
Mar 11, 2021 9:35:39 AM
Thank you for your feedback.  We may end up using this "roundabout" for some instances.
May 7, 2019 8:51:55 AM
I uploaded a YouTube video into Arc and I am not able to add closed captioning.  Will it be possible to add CC to YouTube videos uploaded into Arc?
Mar 5, 2019 8:50:01 AM

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