
Erin Mills
Community Explorer
Oct 10, 2018 10:19:57 AM
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Hello Canvas Colleagues! As an instructional designer I see my role as an educator and advocate. Given our campus' recent transition to Canvas (Canvas is the BEST!), I've had opportunity to assess teaching and learning initiatives across campus, provide pedagogical support to faculty, and develop materials used in and outside the classroom. To say I love this field is an understatement! I teach graduate instructional design students, am a practitioner on campus, and an independent consultant who is passionate about quality. I can easily "geek out" over data (said while pushing up my glasses), and big-red-puffy-heart sharing my experiences with you! I'd love to hear from you with questions, comments or suggestions! Email me any time: emills@lfcc.edu

Most Liked Posts

Just like in Zoom there are times when studio video needs edited. I would be great if we could set a playable range in a recorded video. 
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In merged section of a course we have 2 sets of students. But only 1 total column. for some assignments they are completing the same work, and some are section dependent. We need 2 total columns - one...
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This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas Closed Caption for Canvas Studio needs to be enabled and utilized by default. If I want to opt-out of CC then I should be able to click it and op...
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It would be even better if the frequently used comments could also be copied to a frequently used Rubric - making the rubric AND the comments global across all my classes. 
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Most Recent Posts

Just like in Zoom there are times when studio video needs edited. I would be great if we could set a playable range in a recorded video. 
May 24, 2021 11:08 AM
In merged section of a course we have 2 sets of students. But only 1 total column. for some assignments they are completing the same work, and some are section dependent. We need 2 total columns - one...
Jan 26, 2021 08:42 AM
This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas Closed Caption for Canvas Studio needs to be enabled and utilized by default. If I want to opt-out of CC then I should be able to click it and op...
Sep 08, 2020 12:13 PM
It would be even better if the frequently used comments could also be copied to a frequently used Rubric - making the rubric AND the comments global across all my classes. 
May 22, 2019 08:37 AM

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