
Community Explorer
Jun 19, 2018 7:25:21 AM
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 @Bobby2 ‌ This link might be beneficial for what you're looking for!  It has sample primary school Canvas pages that you can look at! 
Likes: 3
That's a really cool idea  @bgreenslade ‌!  We have a district wide Canvas training course, but nothing like that.  This is an idea I'd definitely consider exploring!
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I had no idea about Context cards, but after looking at the link you shared  @kona ‌, it looks awesome!  Thank you for sharing this little unknown feature!I love speedgrader, announcements, discus...
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 @shannona_steuer ‌, rfa here is an article you might find helpful... Yes They Can | blog.canvaslms.com  
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Lisa,I am in the exact same boat as you. I am part of the digital teaching and learning team in my district.  We just signed for 3 additional years for Canvas and I believe we are heading in our third...
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That's a really cool idea  @bgreenslade ‌!  We have a district wide Canvas training course, but nothing like that.  This is an idea I'd definitely consider exploring!
Aug 20, 2018 09:04 AM
 @bgreenslade ‌That's a great idea, although I'm not sure of a more efficient way to set that up.  for Sp.Ed, maybe create a module for each grade level, within each module put the student...
Aug 13, 2018 10:41 AM
erinhallmark‌ Will you also have a document/pdf explaining the Quizzes/ Quizzes.Next functionality?
Aug 09, 2018 08:49 AM
There are many people who end up using Canvas  as a hub - one stop for all resources galore for their classes.  While this is an excellent LMS to hold resources, I was wondering what innovative activi...
Aug 06, 2018 13:09 PM
rfa‌  that is awesome!  Would love to collaborate with you and share ideas/resources with utilizing Canvas in lower elementary school!  
Aug 06, 2018 09:14 AM

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