
Community Explorer
Apr 4, 2018 10:21:48 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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Hi There, I am a developer working on an LTI Tool that integrates with Canvas. We keep track of Attendance data in Classrooms (Totals Points Available, Points received for Attendance, Total Absences)....
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Hello, I received a message from one of our Canvas Clients who are using our attendance tracking tool. They reported that they were seeing some unexpected behavior from the tool:The tool was unable to...
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Excellent, it does exactly what I wanted! Thank you very much, James.
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Hi ThereI develop an LTI application for Canvas that tracks Attendance for classrooms. We use Canvas' REST APIs to retrieve data such as Course Data, Course Enrollment Data, User Data, etc. One of...
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I will have to check the API you have mentioned! We've preferred using APIs for roles but the LTI launch parameter might also be something to consider.Thanks again for all the help, Peter!
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Hey! We had the same question, can you tell us if you've received any updates from Canvas on this?-Akshya
Nov 03, 2022 11:35 AM
Hi Jerry Thanks for pointing this resource out! This certainly seems to do the task I require of it! However, now I am getting an issue when trying to paginate my graphQL request. I have an endCursor ...
Dec 22, 2021 10:46 AM
Hi There Is it possible to make the List Enrollments (https://canvas.instructure.com/doc/api/enrollments.html#method.enrollments_api.index) API call without receiving "user" data in the respon...
Dec 13, 2021 13:19 PM
Thank you so much for the reply, @James !! That seems to have done the trick. The role I was testing did not have the "Admin - add/remove" privilege turned on. Once I turned it on, the Adm...
Jul 21, 2021 13:48 PM
Hi There, I am a developer for an application which utilizes Canvas' REST APIs to get data related to users, user roles, course enrollments, etc.  The focus of this post is to try and see if one o...
Jul 21, 2021 12:24 PM

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