
Matthew Richards
Community Novice
Jun 25, 2018 9:17:55 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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An institution Google account is not relevant to the issue in my case. There is no institution Google account to sign in to. We're told to use our own, personal Google log-in. Office 365 doesn'...
Likes: 1
Still broken as of June, 2018. Both Google Drive and Office 365 absolutely refuse to authorize in Canvas even though I see Canvas as authorized in my actual Google account. Office 365 doesn't work...
Likes: 1

Most Recent Posts

An institution Google account is not relevant to the issue in my case. There is no institution Google account to sign in to. We're told to use our own, personal Google log-in. Office 365 doesn'...
Jun 26, 2018 13:40 PM
Still broken as of June, 2018. Both Google Drive and Office 365 absolutely refuse to authorize in Canvas even though I see Canvas as authorized in my actual Google account. Office 365 doesn't work...
Jun 25, 2018 10:21 AM

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