
Jackson Murray
Community Participant
Apr 5, 2018 6:08:04 PM
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Assistant Professor of Social Sciences / Short-Term Study Abroad Director / Academic Assessment Coordinator / Canvas and ILP Administrator in a community college setting.

Most Liked Posts

To add to @leward 's post above - I would like to mention that this bug can impact quizzing even if one isn't using item banks. We've run into it in several instances with courses that...
Likes: 12
Hello Ben! Probably the the most pressing need for our institution is for the outcomes in New Quizzes to pass back to the main learning mastery gradebook in the course and for those outcomes to also a...
Likes: 6
I'm not sure about Admin Analytics (as I haven't used it a ton) but in terms of the built in reports (that can be generated on that "Reports" tab at each account/subaccount level and C...
Likes: 2
@Steven_S It sounds like our institutions have similar approaches just different ways of executing (I was somewhat simplifying in my original post). I'm at a community college where we wear ma...
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Enabled=false is essentially turning it off, so that's why that makes it disappear completely.  When you switched to default=disabled, did you try to create a new course after that? It'...
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Most Recent Posts

To add to @leward 's post above - I would like to mention that this bug can impact quizzing even if one isn't using item banks. We've run into it in several instances with courses that...
Apr 24, 2024 9:50:37 AM
I'm not sure about Admin Analytics (as I haven't used it a ton) but in terms of the built in reports (that can be generated on that "Reports" tab at each account/subaccount level and C...
Jan 4, 2024 7:48:07 AM
Enabled=false is essentially turning it off, so that's why that makes it disappear completely.  When you switched to default=disabled, did you try to create a new course after that? It'...
Dec 20, 2023 6:18:34 AM
You want to add the "default" value if it is not there. Here's a snippet of the JSON for our Google Drive LTI - which is the last one that I modified to disable by default (I've remove...
Dec 15, 2023 8:44:06 AM
There are currently some issues with Canvas and Chrome 96 in general. This was posted to the "known issues" thread this past week:  https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Known-Issues/OPEN-Various...
Dec 12, 2021 10:48:45 AM

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