Community Participant
Apr 5, 2018 4:36:56 PM
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Born and raised in AZ and I have the cutest boxer in the whole world. I received an M.S. in Global Technology building integrated in-person and online teaching curriculums for refugee centers. I'm currently the one and only Canvas Admin for Continuing and Professional Education at EdPlus where our mission is to provide open access education to life-long learners.
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Here are the directions to drop a self-enrolled course How do I drop a self-enrolled Canvas course? If you are a student and you enrolled through catalog, you can drop the course from your dashboard h...
I know it was a while ago but as an update - we were able to rearrange the course order and student activity wasn't impacted.
Catalog Users Group Canvas Developers meta data seo java script Catalog Community - putting some feelers out there to see if anyone else has experienced search console issues and course page SEO restr...
Reporting from the Continuing Education side. This is what improved data means to us!The ability to pull 1 report with revenue and enrollmentHave the revenue report be sortable before download rather ...
My department also has this question. Is there any update? Q & A Canvas Developers @bmorris3
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@paulbui Can you elaborate on how you pre-fetch student submissions to speed up the speed grader?
Thank you for your response @nwilson7 The course is self-paced but enrolled by sections. So group A is together through the whole course. This case in particular is letting students choose if they...
Here's an example of my question then I will add more detail:
I have 10 groups in my group-set for a discussion board and each group is limited to 2 students. I need group one to fill in 2 people ...
My department also has this question. Is there any update? Q & A Canvas Developers @bmorris3
Canvas tech has answered this issue and says Program logic for bundles in Catalog is intentional. I might submit as a feature idea to add section logic to bundles.
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