
Community Member
Instructional Technologist
Oct 16, 2018 9:38:35 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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Thank you so much for your reply.  Right now I'm soaking up all of the information I can get, but this will definitely help and you're correct in that it looks as if there is some similarity i...
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When creating announcements, I do not want my students to reply to them.  This was not a problem last semester but this semester, the Reply button continually shows.  I have unclicked the button that ...
Likes: 0
Good morning.  We have been using the Commons as the repository for our adjuncts and other faculty to pull down courses that were created this past Summer and for Fall.  Everything worked beautifully ...
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Thank you, Peg, but no it doesn't.  The goal isn't to get the students the answers.  The goal is to have a gradable rubric for the instructor without having to redo all of the rubrics that hav...
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I'm not certain that this reason has been posted because there are so many really good reasons, I don't have time to read through them all.  I have faculty who create rubrics which contain the...
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Most Recent Posts

When creating announcements, I do not want my students to reply to them.  This was not a problem last semester but this semester, the Reply button continually shows.  I have unclicked the button that ...
Aug 20, 2024 05:01 AM
Good morning.  We have been using the Commons as the repository for our adjuncts and other faculty to pull down courses that were created this past Summer and for Fall.  Everything worked beautifully ...
Jul 25, 2022 08:13 AM
Thank you, Peg, but no it doesn't.  The goal isn't to get the students the answers.  The goal is to have a gradable rubric for the instructor without having to redo all of the rubrics that hav...
Jun 13, 2022 08:00 AM
I'm not certain that this reason has been posted because there are so many really good reasons, I don't have time to read through them all.  I have faculty who create rubrics which contain the...
Jun 12, 2022 15:38 PM
Good afternoon.  Does anyone have a checklist document (not video) of guidelines for what faculty need to check to be sure their course is ready for publishing the first day?  Thank you very much.
May 23, 2022 11:28 AM

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