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Senior Learning Technologist
Jan 31, 2018 3:54:39 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member
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The absence of LTI based participation from both New Analytics and Admin Analytics is pretty much a showstopper for courses that make intensive use of New Quizzes and other integrations. The result is...
Will we be able to set local templates at Account and Sub-Account level ??
I have noted issues in supporting Rubric and Outcomes use that I would be interested to see development on, which really relate to the instructor/instructure interface.
Essentially we seem to be miss...
Thanks Ravi for the video - great to get an early look... and this is always useful to get the understanding and thinking going at a higher level, so for what it's worth please see below.
So havin...
We'll be interested to see this exciting development in BETA @AllisonHowell
We have a couple of challenges around 'assign to everyone', specifically at the point of import of activiti...
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Just to note @ryan_corris that a screen to screen (rather than html to html copy) can produce simmering effects in the rendered page.
Many thanks for the tips above - I think we're already pas...
We have a highly evolved approach to our Capstone Projects and Dissertations which have one convenor/leader and up to 50 supervisors.
Whilst the Capstone leader is responsible for maintaining the cont...
Hi @AniaBigda
Just set the 'Available To' date to be the same as the 'due date' - that should do the jpb ...
just to supplement @NoahBoswell 's advice, note that when you create a crosslist the old courses are prefixed "ZZZ" and students and their activity will be removed...
Hi @NatalieCussell
are you able to identify the assessment type ?
We have seen the duration aspect with Quiz attempts where the student has been given a very long window between Available from a...
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