
Community Member
May 22, 2019 10:57:30 AM
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I work and live in Central Florida and have taught at digital 1:1 schools for over 6 years. I became adept at using Canvas in college and was excited at facilitating content through it as a teacher. I love reading, writing, and all things literature. I work at a STEM school and have worked hard at combining STEM and ELA. I love what I do and I love helping other teachers and leaders become digitally savvy.

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I'm currently grading essays via Quizzes.Next and have set it to hide all grades. I can see the eye with the slash on both SpeedGrader and my Gradebook (it's the new one). However, immediately...
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I'm currently grading essays via Quizzes.Next and have set it to hide all grades. I can see the eye with the slash on both SpeedGrader and my Gradebook (it's the new one). However, immediately...
Feb 27, 2020 17:37 PM

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