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Jul 11, 2019 8:58:51 AM
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Reflective Practitioner.
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Uses EdTech to redefine student learning.
Uses EdTech to empower students with special needs.
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My school is located in New York City (5 Boros). It's only a matter of time before our school closes due to COVID-19. Many schools are using Zoom, Google Meet, or another tool for video conferen...
Hi, I am wanting to do some "cleanup" in my Canvas Admin Console as we have courses in there from 5 years ago as well as courses taught by teachers who are no longer at our school. I am just ...
A teacher asked me the following question: "If my students submitted projects on Canvas, is there a way to share them with the whole class, so everyone can view them through Canvas?" I am ass...
Or can only admins do that?
I am the Canvas admin at my school. I have actually seen a few questions here in the community related to this topic, but I have not yet found this exact question with an answer. Please see the ques...
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Hi @chriscas,
Thank you for your reply. My SIS currently accepts the data as it would be enrolled course on the schedule, so that would be Course Number 4007 and Section Number 01. I need to ask...
@BrianLester we do not use Blackbaud. Rather our SIS is homegrown. We have a computer programmer on staff which will hopefully work to my advantage here. Just have to figure out exactly what ne...
@stimme I am trying to understand what you are saying, but for some reason it's going over my head. As a visual learner, I guess I need to see exactly what you are talking about. 🙂 Ou...
I am my school's Canvas admin. I allowed my teachers this year to use the cross listing as a feature in order to save them time. However, when I run the grade export at the account level, the CS...
So I understand that the teacher can move the "People" tab to the bottom of the page in the Navigation tab in "Course Settings." But regarding the other way that you mentioned, can a ...
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