
Community Participant
Dep Prin and Tech Leader
Jul 15, 2019 6:33:52 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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Hi @karl ,Thanks for this information. Can you clarify what your note "*Grading synced to Canvas SpeedGrader coming Fall 2020" means in a functionality sense? How will this work?Will we ab...
Likes: 15
Hey Community! Our primary school (K to 6 - Australia) is currently in the process of reviewing our student reporting process (feedback to parents) and wanted to explore the possibility of using Canva...
Likes: 1
@darin_johnson 100% agree with this.If there could be that "In Progress" functionality suggested then that would be a game-changer!With the current setup, you can't see the document un...
Likes: 1
Honestly not sure how this isn't an option already! Please make it happen.. 
Likes: 0
Yes, please make this happen. Thank you. Most primary/elementary teachers would use this for sure.
Likes: 0

Most Recent Posts

Honestly not sure how this isn't an option already! Please make it happen.. 
Aug 28, 2021 21:28 PM
Yes, please make this happen. Thank you. Most primary/elementary teachers would use this for sure.
Aug 28, 2021 21:05 PM
Yes - make it happen, please. All primary/elementary teachers would want this feature.
Aug 28, 2021 20:59 PM
Hey Community! Our primary school (K to 6 - Australia) is currently in the process of reviewing our student reporting process (feedback to parents) and wanted to explore the possibility of using Canva...
Mar 02, 2021 16:30 PM
@darin_johnson 100% agree with this.If there could be that "In Progress" functionality suggested then that would be a game-changer!With the current setup, you can't see the document un...
Aug 16, 2020 22:09 PM

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