
Community Member
May 21, 2020 10:47:11 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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I agree with all of the previous comments. This desperately needs to be added. 
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I am also having this same problem. I need to see it in my To Do list to be more efficient and is this something that just doesn't happen with New Quizzes? Or am I not setting them up right?
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s there a way Canvas could add a short/long answer option to Studio Quizzes? It's limiting that we can only do Multiple Choice, True/False and Multiple Answers. It would be beneficial to us as tea...
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I have students submit video a lot, and in normal assignments I can limit that submission to Media Recordings only. I do not allow them to submit through file submission because this usually forces me...
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Most Recent Posts

I agree with all of the previous comments. This desperately needs to be added. 
Sep 17, 2020 18:38 PM
I am also having this same problem. I need to see it in my To Do list to be more efficient and is this something that just doesn't happen with New Quizzes? Or am I not setting them up right?
Sep 16, 2020 23:04 PM
s there a way Canvas could add a short/long answer option to Studio Quizzes? It's limiting that we can only do Multiple Choice, True/False and Multiple Answers. It would be beneficial to us as tea...
Aug 17, 2020 10:33 AM
I have students submit video a lot, and in normal assignments I can limit that submission to Media Recordings only. I do not allow them to submit through file submission because this usually forces me...
Aug 14, 2020 17:45 PM

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