
Community Explorer
Apr 10, 2019 7:29:53 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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Problem statement: Rubric ranges are only available if faculty at a per-rubric level select the small check box per criteria that says "Range." This is a lot of manual clicks for faculty. Pro...
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Currently, Canvas does not support TikTok embed. When you try to embed in Canvas, it only embeds the text and not the video (if you use Insert>Embed or just the HTML editor). When chatting with Can...
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Right now, .heic file types are not supported in image preview in Speedgrader. Heic is now the default image file type on iPhones and I think it should be supported for image preview on the Speedgrade...
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Timely feedback is essential. Having to wait 24 hours to see item analysis is unacceptable. Also, does this mean quiz data is also 24 hours old? Before faculty can more to new quizzes, item analysis n...
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This is a crucial feature needed and would allow for more robust data/insights on learners that drop courses as well! 
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Most Recent Posts

Problem statement: Rubric ranges are only available if faculty at a per-rubric level select the small check box per criteria that says "Range." This is a lot of manual clicks for faculty. Pro...
Jun 02, 2023 11:09 AM
Currently, Canvas does not support TikTok embed. When you try to embed in Canvas, it only embeds the text and not the video (if you use Insert>Embed or just the HTML editor). When chatting with Can...
Mar 24, 2022 05:49 AM
Right now, .heic file types are not supported in image preview in Speedgrader. Heic is now the default image file type on iPhones and I think it should be supported for image preview on the Speedgrade...
Feb 01, 2022 15:38 PM
Timely feedback is essential. Having to wait 24 hours to see item analysis is unacceptable. Also, does this mean quiz data is also 24 hours old? Before faculty can more to new quizzes, item analysis n...
Dec 04, 2021 09:40 AM
This is a crucial feature needed and would allow for more robust data/insights on learners that drop courses as well! 
Apr 06, 2021 08:56 AM

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