
Shawn Hime
Community Member
Senior Technician
May 22, 2020 7:05:57 AM
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When I click on the similarity score, it shows the similarity score % but does not show where it came from. I also didn't have the radio button next to "Show source text" in our Turnitin a...
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I see your point. However, I will say, ultimately, Turnitin is assuming the first submission is the original. If one student copies another students work, then submits it before the first student, Tur...
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Hopefully, this is the right place to ask this question. We have an issue where a student turns in an assignment and receives a similarity score from the Turnitin LTI in Canvas of 0.0%. If another stu...
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When I click on the similarity score, it shows the similarity score % but does not show where it came from. I also didn't have the radio button next to "Show source text" in our Turnitin a...
Jun 06, 2022 07:23 AM
I see your point. However, I will say, ultimately, Turnitin is assuming the first submission is the original. If one student copies another students work, then submits it before the first student, Tur...
Jun 06, 2022 06:57 AM
Hopefully, this is the right place to ask this question. We have an issue where a student turns in an assignment and receives a similarity score from the Turnitin LTI in Canvas of 0.0%. If another stu...
Jun 03, 2022 09:35 AM

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