
Community Explorer
Dec 16, 2019 6:25:36 AM
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We use Canvas passback to sync to our SIS (PowerSchool, PowerTeacher Pro). This is the first year this has ever happened... All grades being passed back from Canvas to PTP are flagged in PTP as "c...
Likes: 3
@chriscas Okay - we "assumed" that checking those boxes meant students could see responses ON THE DATE WE SET. We didn't realize they could see responses anytime with the correct answe...
Likes: 2
If you are a member of the PowerSchool community, you can VOTE to push this through as a change... It is in the Ideas Portal. Search for "collected" assignments...
Likes: 2
f you are a member of the PowerSchool community, you can VOTE to push this through as a change... It is in the Ideas Portal. Search for "collected" assignments...
Likes: 1
I have a teacher using LockDown Browser for quizzes. She has the quizzes assigned individually to each block/period. The quiz is accessible only in that time frame. There is an access code. Answers ar...
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@chriscas Okay - we "assumed" that checking those boxes meant students could see responses ON THE DATE WE SET. We didn't realize they could see responses anytime with the correct answe...
Feb 09, 2023 13:37 PM
I have a teacher using LockDown Browser for quizzes. She has the quizzes assigned individually to each block/period. The quiz is accessible only in that time frame. There is an access code. Answers ar...
Feb 09, 2023 12:44 PM
f you are a member of the PowerSchool community, you can VOTE to push this through as a change... It is in the Ideas Portal. Search for "collected" assignments...
Oct 04, 2022 07:43 AM
If you are a member of the PowerSchool community, you can VOTE to push this through as a change... It is in the Ideas Portal. Search for "collected" assignments...
Oct 04, 2022 07:43 AM
Did you, by chance, notice that the grades that WERE passed back correctly were flagged as "collected" in PowerSchool? All of our passed back grades have the same flag -- even the zeros...
Sep 07, 2022 08:11 AM

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