Community Member
Mar 1, 2019 9:08:56 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member
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Thanks. It's still not working on my mobile app. Our school's eLearning team discourages using the mobile apps, so I will report it to them, but I don't know that they will follow up on it...
Ok. It was stuck on Student View. I had to log out of Canvas Student and log out of Canvas Teacher. Now the launch window looks like this:
I tried to take a screenshot, but the app is now just redirecting to the main menu when I try to open chat.
I can't get Chat to work in the Android Canvas Instructor app. Is there a setting on my phone I can change, or is this a bug? I'm using Chat and Zoom for my online office hours while teaching ...
Most Recent Posts
Thanks. It's still not working on my mobile app. Our school's eLearning team discourages using the mobile apps, so I will report it to them, but I don't know that they will follow up on it...
Ok. It was stuck on Student View. I had to log out of Canvas Student and log out of Canvas Teacher. Now the launch window looks like this:
I tried to take a screenshot, but the app is now just redirecting to the main menu when I try to open chat.
I can't get Chat to work in the Android Canvas Instructor app. Is there a setting on my phone I can change, or is this a bug? I'm using Chat and Zoom for my online office hours while teaching ...
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