
Community Participant
Mar 4, 2019 11:54:23 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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How would you suggest copying the scores into the new column you described when the course roster is roughly 800 students? 
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What will your students think if they have to remember another URL to go to for just your course?  That is in addition to your storing student records in a place (Albeit really safe) that is not autho...
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So you are saying there is no way for certificates? Just badges if we have installed Badgr in our instance?
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Any response to your issue @NaeemahModhien ?
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Okay, this was posted almost a year ago and I really have not heard much about it until I stumbled on this article.  Is it or will it be available to all Canvas users or is there an additional fee to ...
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Any response to your issue @NaeemahModhien ?
Jul 20, 2022 15:19 PM
So you are saying there is no way for certificates? Just badges if we have installed Badgr in our instance?
Jul 08, 2022 08:47 AM
Okay, this was posted almost a year ago and I really have not heard much about it until I stumbled on this article.  Is it or will it be available to all Canvas users or is there an additional fee to ...
Apr 12, 2022 15:24 PM
What is the max class roster size you have found when using Roster Roll Call?  We range in course sizes from 12 to 700 or more. Rick Hazlewood  
Feb 10, 2022 14:22 PM
This one sounds like a no-brainer to me but I am still learning how Instructure stores the student data.  As a former teacher, this would have helped me when teaching study and reading skills in commu...
Jan 24, 2022 15:13 PM

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