
Community Explorer
Jan 6, 2020 12:06:28 PM
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I have been an instructional designer in the CCC system since 2012, an academic coordinator/teacher in California/Europe/Asia and a teacher trainer since 2000.

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We have the same issue. I'm escalating it in our case dashboard right now... Fingers crossed this gets resolved soon! 
Likes: 1
This was absolutely AMAZING! Thank you so much! 
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Awesome! Thank you so much!Katie DatkoInstructional DesignerGlendale Community CollegeGCC Instructional Continuity Page<https://gcc.instructure.com/courses/25258>GCC Remote Instruction Student R...
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Hi Robert,This is awesome, as I am a Canvas admin, but not a CSS/Javascript person. (Love funding cuts...) Do you happen to have an updated link for the GitHub link? I'm getting a 404 error.Thanks...
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So this thread is 3 years old and nothing has been done yet? Please please please fix this!
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So this thread is 3 years old and nothing has been done yet? Please please please fix this!
Jul 13, 2021 15:33 PM
This would be great! Canvas quizzes are very limited and forms allow for multiple ways of interacting with content. 
Jul 12, 2021 16:09 PM
Please! We have the need for faculty to test on a demo student account and not through student view! 
May 20, 2021 17:04 PM
We've also had this issue at our school. 
Sep 10, 2020 10:00 AM
I'm curious about this, as well. 
Jul 13, 2020 14:24 PM

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