
Community Participant
Professor of Practice
May 10, 2019 10:49:08 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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Thanks, Elizabeth!I changed all of my assignment settings to post grades manually.I’m curious though. If I hadn’t made that change but instead opted to hide grades after grading the first student’s as...
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I want to hide (mute) an assignment before I start grading it. Is this possible? My Canvas courses seem to require that I post at least one student's grade before I'm given the option to hide ...
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I've had the same problem for months on every quiz preview. I use Chrome, but I haven't tried using other browsers.
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I've been using Speedgrader through the Canvas Teacher App on my iPad. My annotated comments have started floating away--they don't stay or appear where I put them. Even if I can find them som...
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Problem statement: I want to apply the late assignment policy to my pass/fail types of assignments. I use complete/incomplete, but this semester some students submitted the work after the deadline wit...
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Problem statement: I want to apply the late assignment policy to my pass/fail types of assignments. I use complete/incomplete, but this semester some students submitted the work after the deadline wit...
Dec 11, 2023 13:08 PM
Over 6 years later, is it fixed yet? I often have to edit my schedule, and today I need to add students who haven't signed up. I should be able to do that easily. Please make this happen.
Mar 27, 2022 14:53 PM
Thanks for your reply. It does work fine for me on Foxfire.
Mar 04, 2022 07:15 AM
I've had the same problem for months on every quiz preview. I use Chrome, but I haven't tried using other browsers.
Mar 03, 2022 06:38 AM
I'm still having this problem. Any new ideas?
Jan 29, 2022 14:21 PM

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