
Community Explorer
Jun 26, 2019 6:27:15 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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 Entered and published a new module.   Unable to view.   I restarted my computer. And module added is not viewable. Is it probably a technical problem with canvas? or what?
Likes: 2
Hi,I have a faculty who is having an issue with importing a Canvas Export Package from a previous course (different school) and would like to Import it for the course that she is about to begin.  Howe...
Likes: 1
A question:  My students just finished a group project.  In the settings, I selected the choice that all students in the group get the same grade.  Now – after I have posted grades for most of the oth...
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 Can you help me with these?   When the instructor/users of the sandbox course create Test Students, are we all basically the same test student? How can we create multiple Test Students, and how many ...
Likes: 0
Hello,  I have a faculty who is having an issue accessing PPT links through word 365 that are no longer working and her students cannot access any of the lectures or files. Tt said that "Something...
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Most Recent Posts

 Can you help me with these?   When the instructor/users of the sandbox course create Test Students, are we all basically the same test student? How can we create multiple Test Students, and how many ...
Feb 24, 2022 08:54 AM
Hello,  I have a faculty who is having an issue accessing PPT links through word 365 that are no longer working and her students cannot access any of the lectures or files. Tt said that "Something...
Apr 05, 2021 14:11 PM
Hi,I have a faculty who is having an issue with importing a Canvas Export Package from a previous course (different school) and would like to Import it for the course that she is about to begin.  Howe...
Aug 17, 2020 13:58 PM
Hello,I have a faculty who cross-list two sections (graduate & undergrad) in one class, and she created two discussions for each section. Her question is about the grade book that she does not wan...
Jan 24, 2020 13:43 PM
 Entered and published a new module.   Unable to view.   I restarted my computer. And module added is not viewable. Is it probably a technical problem with canvas? or what?
Oct 18, 2019 15:28 PM

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