
Community Explorer
Jan 27, 2020 9:44:21 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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We have outcomes, but I don't use them. And I like Canvas rubrics and really just want to attach a rubric to specific questions. I don't want outcomes. I want rubrics.
Likes: 1
This isn't really a solution for different essay questions if we want to give feedback in words and not just numbers (and isn't even a solution in numbers, as different essay questions often g...
Likes: 1
While I'm delighted to have more gender pronoun options than just two or even three, the drop-down menu approach reproduces gender as a limited set of statuses. Replacing this with radio buttons w...
Likes: 0

Most Recent Posts

We have outcomes, but I don't use them. And I like Canvas rubrics and really just want to attach a rubric to specific questions. I don't want outcomes. I want rubrics.
Dec 11, 2021 07:20 AM
This isn't really a solution for different essay questions if we want to give feedback in words and not just numbers (and isn't even a solution in numbers, as different essay questions often g...
Dec 11, 2021 06:06 AM
While I'm delighted to have more gender pronoun options than just two or even three, the drop-down menu approach reproduces gender as a limited set of statuses. Replacing this with radio buttons w...
Jan 31, 2020 13:02 PM

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