
Community Member
Apr 8, 2020 12:21:07 PM
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Yep, already done that. I embedded the document through my school's Office365 LTI integration. So that doesn't change anything because I'm already doing that and have had the issue of text...
Likes: 1
This has happened several times and I am trying to figure out a solution.Background: I created a graphic organizer for my students in Word. I used several text boxes for questions with space for stude...
Likes: 1
I thank you for the workaround but it isn't a solution to my problem, it's a workaround.I am looking for the why this problem is happening and what solutions Canvas can implement to correct it...
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Yep, already done that. I embedded the document through my school's Office365 LTI integration. So that doesn't change anything because I'm already doing that and have had the issue of text...
Nov 8, 2020 4:16:34 PM
I thank you for the workaround but it isn't a solution to my problem, it's a workaround.I am looking for the why this problem is happening and what solutions Canvas can implement to correct it...
Nov 5, 2020 5:54:46 AM
This has happened several times and I am trying to figure out a solution.Background: I created a graphic organizer for my students in Word. I used several text boxes for questions with space for stude...
Oct 28, 2020 10:50:40 AM

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