
Casey Mathes
Community Novice
Mar 5, 2020 7:12:10 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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Hi Brian,Thank you so much for getting back to me! I was assisted above and beyond one of your chat support staff yesterday, and he told me that he would put in a request for my CSM to contact me. I...
Likes: 1
I would like to run a report that shows me the student and each of their course grades from their time in our program.  Like a master grade book.  I see how I can run the report by semester, but that ...
Likes: 1
Oh, okay, I will do that. Thank you!
Likes: 0
Hi Brian, I still have not been contacted by our CSM.  This could be a normal wait time, I am unsure how this process works, but I wanted to double check.  Is the CSM still planning to contact me, cou...
Likes: 0
Thank you for the quick response Brian!I worked with one of your chat support reps today and they will be putting in a request to my CSM to contact me. I am hopeful that we will be able to create som...
Likes: 0

Most Recent Posts

Oh, okay, I will do that. Thank you!
Mar 19, 2020 09:03 AM
Hi Brian, I still have not been contacted by our CSM.  This could be a normal wait time, I am unsure how this process works, but I wanted to double check.  Is the CSM still planning to contact me, cou...
Mar 17, 2020 09:19 AM
Hi Brian,Thank you so much for getting back to me! I was assisted above and beyond one of your chat support staff yesterday, and he told me that he would put in a request for my CSM to contact me. I...
Mar 06, 2020 07:37 AM
Thank you for the quick response Brian!I worked with one of your chat support reps today and they will be putting in a request to my CSM to contact me. I am hopeful that we will be able to create som...
Mar 05, 2020 10:55 AM
I would like to run a report that shows me the student and each of their course grades from their time in our program.  Like a master grade book.  I see how I can run the report by semester, but that ...
Mar 05, 2020 08:17 AM

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