Kevin Doner
Community Novice
Jan 31, 2020 6:41:03 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member
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Hi Kona,Your swift response is much appreciated. Following the links you sent from previous threads, I used Google Docs to successfully embed the file into my Canvas pages and from here there is no o...
How can I remove the download button or option to download from modules/assignments/pages and so forth?
My Chinese student has been unable to open a file i embedded using Google docs. He gets a sad face icon where the PPT should show. I put it in pages/ and assignment but to no avail. Can anyone sug...
I sent my student an email invitation. They hit 'get started' and it took them to a registration page that has the blue 'I'm a teacher' button but not the green 'I'm a stu...
I just sent a message where a student accepted an email invite to get started and enroll and the page is missing the green I'M A STUDENT button. I also wanted to add that it is missing the I'...
Most Recent Posts
The google doc I tried to upload doesn't appear, instead it only shows the link code from Google docs. I tried to edit and put it in as usual but to no avail Check out my screenshot. Please hel...
My Chinese student has been unable to open a file i embedded using Google docs. He gets a sad face icon where the PPT should show. I put it in pages/ and assignment but to no avail. Can anyone sug...
I just sent a message where a student accepted an email invite to get started and enroll and the page is missing the green I'M A STUDENT button. I also wanted to add that it is missing the I'...
I sent my student an email invitation. They hit 'get started' and it took them to a registration page that has the blue 'I'm a teacher' button but not the green 'I'm a stu...
Hi Kona,Your swift response is much appreciated. Following the links you sent from previous threads, I used Google Docs to successfully embed the file into my Canvas pages and from here there is no o...
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