
Community Explorer
Feb 3, 2020 7:42:22 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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Thank you  @sanders3 ‌, that's very helpful.
Likes: 2
Hi there,Using Badgr?? Does anyone have an example Canvas page, a guide, or even just text you've used to explain Badgr to the students in that course? Save me reinventing the wheel Thanks in adva...
Likes: 2
I am experiencing really inconsistent results with SCORM reporting completions back to Gradebook and to students' Feedback etc. I have read some older posts on this but wondered if anyone has the ...
Likes: 1
I haven't found a recent post on this, only some from 2-3 years ago...can anyone give an update on whether Canvas supports xAPI (TinCan) yet and if not yet, when? Thanks!
Likes: 1
Totally agree @denierse. This is what we need so we can tell 3rd Party Vendors supplying SCORM files how they should be exported/with what settings etc. How can we get this anyone know?? 
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Most Recent Posts

Totally agree @denierse. This is what we need so we can tell 3rd Party Vendors supplying SCORM files how they should be exported/with what settings etc. How can we get this anyone know?? 
Sep 15, 2020 18:03 PM
I am experiencing really inconsistent results with SCORM reporting completions back to Gradebook and to students' Feedback etc. I have read some older posts on this but wondered if anyone has the ...
Aug 27, 2020 21:48 PM
I haven't found a recent post on this, only some from 2-3 years ago...can anyone give an update on whether Canvas supports xAPI (TinCan) yet and if not yet, when? Thanks!
Aug 17, 2020 18:51 PM
Thank you  @sanders3 ‌, that's very helpful.
May 06, 2020 17:17 PM
Hi there,Using Badgr?? Does anyone have an example Canvas page, a guide, or even just text you've used to explain Badgr to the students in that course? Save me reinventing the wheel Thanks in adva...
May 05, 2020 20:42 PM

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