
Community Member
Mar 25, 2020 8:46:18 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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How can I take an existing document (see attached) and make it a fill-able document that kids can type their answers on and submit to be graded?  I am finding that when they type answers, it messes up...
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I have tried and failed to import content from my Pre-AP course to my Gen Ed Course when it is a google cloud assignment.  I have Imported the "Page" that has the instructions and then links o...
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Thank you so much for the answer!  This will make things a lot easier!
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Most Recent Posts

I have tried and failed to import content from my Pre-AP course to my Gen Ed Course when it is a google cloud assignment.  I have Imported the "Page" that has the instructions and then links o...
Aug 15, 2020 14:11 PM
Thank you so much for the answer!  This will make things a lot easier!
Apr 17, 2020 09:27 AM
How can I take an existing document (see attached) and make it a fill-able document that kids can type their answers on and submit to be graded?  I am finding that when they type answers, it messes up...
Mar 25, 2020 09:51 AM

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