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Computer Services
Apr 30, 2020 1:46:59 PM
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My announcements were actually in the top part of the Navigation tab, yet the crossed out eye that indicates no content/not visible to students was still showing, even with three announcements posted....
it worked out. i created a blank dummy assignment under the assignment group with the "drop lowest" rule, made a rule to never drop it, assigned it to the cheating students, manually gave them...
has this been added to feature proposals? kinda ridiculous that six years of convo and we still can't just give all our students a few points in one click
i forgot about the "excused" option in the gradebook. that will save a lot of time and make it easier than removing them from the assignment by individually assigning every other studentcreati...
If you are an admin, you can enable this feature by clicking Admin>Settings>Feature Options>Scheduled Page Publication>Change Red X into Green Check Mark.You can then schedule your page to...
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We're having the same problem. Instructure sent global emails on 8/5 and 8/20 about SCORM issues, and said they resolved it, but apparently that's not the case.
If you are an admin, you can enable this feature by clicking Admin>Settings>Feature Options>Scheduled Page Publication>Change Red X into Green Check Mark.You can then schedule your page to...
it worked out. i created a blank dummy assignment under the assignment group with the "drop lowest" rule, made a rule to never drop it, assigned it to the cheating students, manually gave them...
i forgot about the "excused" option in the gradebook. that will save a lot of time and make it easier than removing them from the assignment by individually assigning every other studentcreati...
I have a rule set for an assignment group to drop the lowest score.However, a few of my students cheated on a few of the quizzes, so I gave them a zero for those particular assignments. Problem is, Ca...
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