
Community Contributor
Computer Services
Apr 30, 2020 1:46:59 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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My announcements were actually in the top part of the Navigation tab, yet the crossed out eye that indicates no content/not visible to students was still showing, even with three announcements posted....
Likes: 10
it worked out. i created a blank dummy assignment under the assignment group with the "drop lowest" rule, made a rule to never drop it, assigned it to the cheating students, manually gave them...
Likes: 5
has this been added to feature proposals? kinda ridiculous that six years of convo and we still can't just give all our students a few points in one click 
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i forgot about the "excused" option in the gradebook. that will save a lot of time and make it easier than removing them from the assignment by individually assigning every other studentcreati...
Likes: 4
If you are an admin, you can enable this feature by clicking Admin>Settings>Feature Options>Scheduled Page Publication>Change Red X into Green Check Mark.You can then schedule your page to...
Likes: 2

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We're having the same problem. Instructure sent global emails on 8/5 and 8/20 about SCORM issues, and said they resolved it, but apparently that's not the case. 
Sep 01, 2024 16:31 PM
If you are an admin, you can enable this feature by clicking Admin>Settings>Feature Options>Scheduled Page Publication>Change Red X into Green Check Mark.You can then schedule your page to...
Nov 07, 2022 13:10 PM
it worked out. i created a blank dummy assignment under the assignment group with the "drop lowest" rule, made a rule to never drop it, assigned it to the cheating students, manually gave them...
Aug 17, 2022 01:46 AM
i forgot about the "excused" option in the gradebook. that will save a lot of time and make it easier than removing them from the assignment by individually assigning every other studentcreati...
Aug 16, 2022 17:48 PM
I have a rule set for an assignment group to drop the lowest score.However, a few of my students cheated on a few of the quizzes, so I gave them a zero for those particular assignments. Problem is, Ca...
Aug 16, 2022 16:37 PM

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