
Jamie Florence
Community Novice
Feb 13, 2020 5:15:46 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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Discussion: Returning to College                    What I am most looking forward to about starting college is, quite frankly attaining my certificate and if I am successful, going for a bachelors de...
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How do I upload documents to my canvas? or for assignments?
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   In this day and age there is a large library of resources to help aid slow learners, "The learning strategies for slow learners using the project based learning model in primary school" by ...
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   In this day and age there is a large library of resources to help aid slow learners, "The learning strategies for slow learners using the project based learning model in primary school" by ...
Feb 15, 2020 09:40 AM
Discussion: Returning to College                    What I am most looking forward to about starting college is, quite frankly attaining my certificate and if I am successful, going for a bachelors de...
Feb 15, 2020 09:13 AM
How do I upload documents to my canvas? or for assignments?
Feb 13, 2020 18:18 PM

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