
Community Member
Apr 6, 2020 10:43:30 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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Zoom and Groups.  I have 3 sections under 1 course.  Each of these sections are a separate and totally different class.  I would like to meet with each section through Zoom.  However if I click on 1 s...
Likes: 2
Thank you so much. Hopefully I will get to physically see my kids sooner than later and this will be for naught.Sent from Mail<https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=550986> for Windows 10
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My Canvas gradebook is not recognizing the Google LTI assignment due dates in Speed Grader, which means I cannot sync with Synergy.  At the beginning of the quarter, it worked but not now.
Likes: 0
Hi,Thank you and I hope your family and you are safe. Yes, the two platforms are integrated and I completely accept that they were never designed to work well together. With that said, here we are.I...
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Most Recent Posts

My Canvas gradebook is not recognizing the Google LTI assignment due dates in Speed Grader, which means I cannot sync with Synergy.  At the beginning of the quarter, it worked but not now.
Oct 21, 2020 07:47 AM
Thank you so much. Hopefully I will get to physically see my kids sooner than later and this will be for naught.Sent from Mail<https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=550986> for Windows 10
Apr 06, 2020 17:25 PM
Hi,Thank you and I hope your family and you are safe. Yes, the two platforms are integrated and I completely accept that they were never designed to work well together. With that said, here we are.I...
Apr 06, 2020 16:58 PM
Zoom and Groups.  I have 3 sections under 1 course.  Each of these sections are a separate and totally different class.  I would like to meet with each section through Zoom.  However if I click on 1 s...
Apr 06, 2020 11:49 AM

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