
Amy Lounsberry
Community Member
Jul 22, 2020 8:33:54 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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I was wondering if there has been any movement to change the New Quizzes to include a way to download the information. We are looking into a 'Plan B', but it's going to be very time consum...
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checking in - has Canvas made the change so that we are able to download the data? I'm getting worried that we will have to move to a different LMS.
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Has anyone heard of an update about making the quizzes downloadable? I'm concerned - to say the least. 
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I am responsible for numerous reports for the 9 schools/colleges at my University. All of the reports are downloaded from Canvas - student's quizzes. Please make the new quizzes have the same down...
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I have 2 students that need to complete a survey that's already been closed. If I put their names in the 'assigned to' box, do I still need to remove the closed date?
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Most Recent Posts

I was wondering if there has been any movement to change the New Quizzes to include a way to download the information. We are looking into a 'Plan B', but it's going to be very time consum...
Oct 26, 2021 07:33 AM
checking in - has Canvas made the change so that we are able to download the data? I'm getting worried that we will have to move to a different LMS.
Sep 29, 2021 07:41 AM
Has anyone heard of an update about making the quizzes downloadable? I'm concerned - to say the least. 
Sep 21, 2021 15:50 PM
I am responsible for numerous reports for the 9 schools/colleges at my University. All of the reports are downloaded from Canvas - student's quizzes. Please make the new quizzes have the same down...
Sep 09, 2021 11:37 AM
I have 2 students that need to complete a survey that's already been closed. If I put their names in the 'assigned to' box, do I still need to remove the closed date?
Jul 22, 2020 09:36 AM

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