Community Member
Apr 20, 2020 8:45:20 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member
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Hi!! Click on the class in the Dashboard. Then on the left click on Settings for that class at the bottom. A page will open where you can add an image.Have a wonderful day,Kathy
When I am editing or creating assignments in Canvas, I would like the option to make the window full screen.
Right now you can see your progress in individual classes. Our school would be greatly benefited by allowing students to monitor their own progress in a Welding, Nursing programs etc. That is somethin...
Is there a way for a teacher to be notified in Canvas about student completion of an assignment, quiz or test which was taken in an external source such as Cengage using MindTap? I would like to know ...
Most Recent Posts
When I am editing or creating assignments in Canvas, I would like the option to make the window full screen.
Is there a way for a teacher to be notified in Canvas about student completion of an assignment, quiz or test which was taken in an external source such as Cengage using MindTap? I would like to know ...
Right now you can see your progress in individual classes. Our school would be greatly benefited by allowing students to monitor their own progress in a Welding, Nursing programs etc. That is somethin...
Hi!! Click on the class in the Dashboard. Then on the left click on Settings for that class at the bottom. A page will open where you can add an image.Have a wonderful day,Kathy
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