
Community Participant
Feb 26, 2020 3:32:50 AM
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We've released a free extension to Canvas that allows you to automatically generate a table of contents for larger pages in Canvas. The Table of Content app is available in the Edu App Center. It ...
Likes: 5
We've successfully developed several plugins for Canvas that enhances the Canvas RCE through a the LTI standard using the editor button placement. Canvas supports these plugins from the EduAppStor...
Likes: 4
Hiya,I'm not aware of an LTI tool that supports this, but it's perfectly possibly to develop. An LTI 1.3 integration into assignments that allowed the student to submit could then allow markin...
Likes: 3
Currently the RCE image support only handles one file at a time and an copy/pasted section from Google Docs could have multiple images in it which would all need uploading at the same time.I would exp...
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The XML bit you want is:<lticm:property name="not_selectable">true</lticm:property>this should prevent it from being selectable.You can see how this should fit into the config ...
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For free tools we are happy to work with you to get a FERPA statement completed, please email support@wyelearning.com
Oct 31, 2024 02:24 AM
@NiklasFrostMau The reason we haven't switched to LTI 1.3 is that the setup process for teachers and administrators is not as flexible as LTI 1.1 in Canvas. LTI 1.1 is only used when you are a...
Oct 31, 2024 02:23 AM
We've released a free extension to Canvas that allows you to automatically generate a table of contents for larger pages in Canvas. The Table of Content app is available in the Edu App Center. It ...
Sep 16, 2023 03:38 AM
Hiya @RuslanDauhiala, You can do this in a LTI 1.1 tool by returning a special type for your content item. If you send this back from your tool: { "@context": "http://purl.imsglo...
Sep 08, 2023 00:10 AM
No, the Redirect Plus solution is an LTI, but is can be easily configured to appear in just a single course.
May 25, 2023 06:19 AM

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